A genuine standout in the shade
Tremendously versatile and attractive, this lungwort features striking silver foliage and colour changing, tubular, half-inch flowers in a blend of coral, pink, violet and blue. Very desirable as ground cover on rocky slopes and ridges, and great in containers. Bred to resist mildew and most pests, and tolerate heat and humidity
- Botanical Name: Pulmonaria 'Silver Bouquet' PP20059
- Form: Perennial
- Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Flowering Time: Early-Mid spring (April-May)
- Light Requirements: Partial Shade, Full Shade
- Flower Color: Coral to pink to violet and blue flowers, all on the same plant!
- Flower Form: Clusters of small, 0.5" tubular flowers.
- Foliage Type: Lance-shaped leaves
- Growth Rate: Medium
- Height/Habit: 7 - 10 inches
- Spread: 18 - 20 inches
- Planting Instructions: Top of plant should be even with soil level or just below and 14-16" apart. Soak roots approx. 30 minutes prior to planting in cold to lukewarm water.
- Soil Requirements: Medium dry, well-drained soil. Does not grow well in dry soil.
- Will Tolerate: Acidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
- Pruning: Cutting off old leaves right after bloom will stimulate a fresh crop that will look good for the rest of the season.