Astonishing new petunia color, ‘Midnight Gold’ seduces with elaborate royal purple double blooms with light-gold tips. Robust 8–10" plants with exceptional branching produce a profusion of glorious 2" blooms. Let them cascade from hanging baskets and containers, or roll out a carpet of blooming, one-of-a-kind color.
General Information
Propagation Guide
Tray Sizes (cells/tray): 50, 72, 84, 105
Rooting Hormone: No
Average Days with Mist: 6-9
Pinch: No
Average Propagation Time (weeks): 3-4
Soil pH: 5.4-5.8
Light Levels (fc): 5,000-8,000
Temperature Day: 59-76°F (15-24°C)
Temperature Night: 53-61°F (12-16°C)
Fertilization (ppm N): 225-300
No. of Pinches: 0-1
Plant Growth Regulators (S=spray / (D=Drench: B-Nine(S) 1,500-2,500 ppm, applied 2-4 times, can be used to control habit early; Bonzi(D) 0.25-1.0 ppm applied as crop matures will control final height but not delay flowering or reduce flower size.
Pests: Thrips, leafminers, whitefly
Diseases: Botrytis, Root rot, Tobacco Mosaic Virus